9:00 - 55.1 miles / en time 50 minutter - 10:50
Begun in 1858, the museum was not finished until 1904. It is the home of Franciscan Friars serving St. Francis of Assisi Parish and other rural Parishes. The Monastery houses a museum of artifacts from the first settlers who arrived in the early 1800s as well as the Franscican Fathers. Pioneer items include toys, kitchen utensils, farming equipment, clothing, and household furnishings. Included in the religious exhibits are Bibles in many languages, vestments, furnishings, items used in celebration of the Catholic mass, and personal memorabilia. There are also marriage licenses, business documents and other printed material, which provide a marvelous insight into the lives of the early inhabitants of this prosperous rural area. The entrance is on the west side of the monastery complex.
11:30 - 107.4 miles / 3 timer 34 minutter - 15:05